
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fat Katydids

In the following days I am going to show the bugs and flowers I’ve captured during the Bashang Grassland journey. The insects in the pictures below are two big and fat katydids that I’ve never seen before.

This insect was found here. They often amble on the road stupidly and killed by passing cars. This one seems clever. She was walking along the curb. When I found her and took photos for her, she alarmed by raspy sound! Yes, I was quite suprised by the sound made by this FEMALE katydid.

Family: Bradyporidae
Species: Deracantha sp.

This is another species found here. They are also large, fat and ugly grasshoppers. Contrary to the above one, they sang loudly in the bush but kept silence when I approached. This one is male.

Family: Bradyporidae
Species: Deracantha onos (Pallas,1772)


  1. Two excellent shots Mingfei. Is that grasshopper poisonous? It looks like it might be with those colors.

  2. I don't think they are harmful though it might be painful if they bite you (many katydids are also predators). But they are really ugly and a little bit...scared.
