
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dragonfly Emerged 2


This has been posted in this and this post. It finally emerged in the morning of 5.11

My roomate told me that it had emerged when I woke up in the morning.

I didn’t go to bed until 1:30 for my homework. I was so tired that I fell asleep soon then missed the process.

This is Aeschnophlebia longistigma Selys, 1883

There are two special spots on its eyes

Unfortunately, it missed one leg during the eclosion

There is another nymph of this species in the water. I will try to capture the whole process of it next time.

Related Posts:
My Aquarium 1: Dragonflies
My Aquarium 2: The Molting
Dragonfly Emerged


  1. świetnie i ciekawie pokazane , bardzo dobrej jakości zdjęcia , pozdrawiam , Andrzej .

  2. Beautiful Mingfei - I didn't know that they should have two legs. The spots on the eyes, what is that for?

  3. Oh WOW Mingfei!! More astonishing pictures!! How fantastic to capture most of this and such a beautiful dragon fly too. I love its color. Will it change as it gets older?

    I hope the exams are going well.

  4. RE:jeannette stgermain
    No, I don't know what the spots are either.

  5. RE:SAPhotographs (Joan)
    The color will get darker as it grows older but won't change violently. Thanks for your bless:)

  6. One word to discribe Mingfei's blog...Cool!!!!!!!Or maybe!!!beautiful!!interesting!!!fun!!funny!!colourful!!!and much much more!!!=)

  7. RE:Wind Walker...
    Oh...thank so so ... much!!!

  8. Jeannette. The dragon flies have compound eyes and because of the shape, only a few of them at a time catched the light so as you move, you will see the 'spots' changes too.

  9. RE:SAPhotographs (Joan)
    The spots I mentioned is not the spots you mentioned. They are big and don't change as you move. They are special signs to identify this species.

  10. RE:Comella
    Thanks for visiting and comment.
